The first meeting of the SinCRoMinD project was hosted by the Italian Organisation, Università dell’età libera Enzo Ficai, starting with the 1st until the 4th December 2019.

There were ice- breaking and team- building activities coordinating by Playback Theatre “Echo” which helped participants to get to know each other better.

Participants worked in sub- groups and mentioned the expectations related to this project, the needs of each organization, the worries and the profile of each partner. Working all together helped to create the profile of “SinCRoMinD”.

During this meeting, participants discussed details regarding the implementation of the project, working methods, shared tasks and responsibilities, decided the calendar of the activities and exchanged examples of good practice.

The Italian partner, Università dell'età libera Enzo Ficai, presented the activity “Visiting the Museum in a new way”, and showed a video using film making tool referred to theatrical and cultural events.

Training 2000 presented examples of existing good practices in the domain of folklore music and dance; traditional food preparation.

All project partners attended this meeting and consider that the objectives of this meeting were achieved.